Kamis, 17 Februari 2011


No one attractive more than of my little queen. Many people say ‘a flower is just flower’ but for me, my little queen is more than it, it was great name and have a wonderful meaning in Indonesia language, she is very lucky girl because her parents has created a huge name for her. someone could judgment she is polite girl that is how the land lies in my mind just by the name. It’s soreally compatible. When I think of her there are many words could be birds on my brain. Smooth, pretty, sweet, cute and etcetera words that is explaining a someone who have good looking, she also have white skin which all the man like very much. She is considerable little queen on my spirit. She is the real heaven in my eyes; It’s really unbelieving that she is belonging to me.

I am unlike you my little queen, you have white skin, shining eyes, sweetly and charmingly, your body is pretty enough ideal for me. Oh I am considerable in contras with your mine. Do I truly reasonable for you, that you have to respect and receive me; do you ever think that, you would be falling in love with me? If these questions were refers to me. The nice words have already enough explained that’s why I have to say I really madly in you, I just don’t have enough words to say in another term for it but I believe you are not so crazy about words. I don’t know baby, It’s just feeling, nothing else! I am wandering man really desire men which only have sincerely sense. I have nothing only the Alien feelings, is it enough for you my lovely? I don’t think so!! Every seconds, minutes and hours pass become a very significant. My crazy imagination of you have no limit, our soul maybe has become a couple. May I become insane cause of you, but never mind? Hahaha …..
Its just kinds of my expression, it just like drugs that is contain intoxicating substance caused someone to lose controls of theirs faculties and its occur for a time being . But I m not believe with my wild feelings honey. If is not just because of you I’m so shy to say it. It so stupid things to think and stupid things to say but its one more time I have to say, its okay because I know everybody is stupid when they are in loving. Didn’t it, honey?? Hahahaaa

One of my requests is a hopefully that my entire vision will coming truly and turn out in my existent life, is it pleonastic? No, I think. Nothing untruth while we are falling in love. I know while being together with someone who having a especial place deepest in side is like as experience a dreaming; all the things around us is contaminated. When we are happy the worlds were feel too as if the bomb that is having radius. What be the wonderful feelings in our body that cause everything in desire situation? It brings us in the journey that fulfill of joy, flaming of desire were no to stop, as if all round us being enjoy it. Those are so really personification circumstances, however world will be thousands sensation cause of it. This the extraordinary time of men to get the main target that is being happy together with our pair, no excuses I myself. I felt it when I being together with you even just a few of minute, but it is bring truly amusement way of thinking. I really never disappointed to be here, right here in this delightful planet. Although my entire dreams won’t take place but for a time being I’m happy be mine of you.

Oh my sugar how great you are? You are a really wonderful girl which as if a day always giving me the best smile, facing my daily life ecstatically, I don’t know what’s the power which make me showered by thousands of sense. Maybe this is named wonderful of crazy feelings that all people called ‘’insane”. I don’t care with how people have a point of few with it, but I keep only in my mind this is it, that I always wish to be happy with my own life, to be together with you in all the time because only you to make nothing become something.

As a goes day I realize that you are becoming significantly for me. I really feel lonesome when you aren’t here even for a moment. Daily my lives just being think of you. I don’t know how I really mad on you, gave the effect of that only you I ever knew below the shining sun although I really here, right now in this wonderful globe which is lived by millions people but how you make this become a really distinguishing. Do you have some magic baby???? Hehehe…maybe that’s some reason of my own God have to create me, to find out in all my whole life.

How is rising up to me!! I really want to find it but it stills an underground. I only keep this one in dept of mine; I really want it to be treasures for my story. I don’t like there someone who wants to be mine to my own unique story. Even though at last people could be understands about how I created my own journey in the world with my own perception, my principle, appreciate to my own life that is really make me differs from the others.

There some unique event before this tale coming out as the real story, on the night before I’m going to be relations with her. I’ve seen someone that was disappears face up to the stairs, as if would come so closed to me. She was not so tall but she was dimple, she came with her own characteristic smiles, sweetly, and attractively. From that’s moment I began and never stop to think about her, I didn’t know how to escape from that night as if she always be with me. I was madly to imagine about her in almost my time. He become as if she was real. I try to do anything that could be helping me out from this situation.

On the next day after, I’ve tried seeking the girl who coming into my dream. Every day I just can stop to know who she was and where she lived. Its seems unreasonable because I try to find some one that’s only coming in my imagination but I have to keep it, who knows one day I can be her mine or just a moment we can be spending our time together. I pretty sure she was really being but I just need quite time to find out the answer. This world is too widely in making determine about where I have to step or where I have to start. It seems impossible. In my deepest of mind the conscience calls me sincerely as the courage for me. My spirit has never died since she is becoming the night of mine. If there some fastest way I would do it, I have no patient for it anymore. I want to be free from it.

I just don’t know how to carry out all of it, everyday is faced by thousand of questions; my day is skeptics, really much. I went to the free place such the beach; the wave is touching me reward from the life that is always up and down. I know life as if we are going to make our own story until the end days have to pick us up. We carry out our own life as well as we like only to make the good tale for us. One day all about it only become the nice story for others and trying to become the figures for them to be converted into the next best person as the best what they want to be.

I know being here is only a temporal, alive here in this planet is just for a being time, we have no longer here, so that we are carry out our own life as fine as we have enough to be the next life. I was born and grow up in religiously family so I believe all about another life after, that is belongs to the next season for our live, that we never felt hurt, pain and any others we bring us to sorrow. Our kindness will memorizes in every deepest heart of our people surrounds that we are always laugh together when we are happy, and crying when we must cry. All about that is only give a sense or meaning for our day.

What does look like our future life? It’s depend on how we construct and bring out in unique expressing that make it is really alive. My expression of love is kind of how I create my own life to be really literature

that were fulfill by esthetic and imaginative, because life as like we identify the literature work, everyone have their own perceptions. And to understand it, perceptive and judge the literature not only from the literature theory but there are some aspect that come out from it. The same case in our life journey not only depend on how we run it but it depend on how we handle carefully all the problem that is turn out in but some external aspects during periods of time. We can feel that we growing because of social and environments. Could you imagine what happen if we live without affection the people around? Our feeling of love is something that must be experience and happen to the human beings so that we could bring live to the place where we belong.
My adore to may little queen is kind of offer the impression of being live and only sincerely coming from my own deepest heart, in array to feeling, touch and reflection life itself that was filling of thousands interesting story which make it totally complex to be find what is the literature in living? Life always never be, if we think that we are here only because incidental. I believe that our own God have to create people to show that he really want something that we can do in this planet. So don’t ask anymore where God getting idea or how he constructs us, only the one word, we called “love”
To be continue…………………………………………………..

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